Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry

e-ISSN 1309-6591 | Period Quarterly | Founded: 2010 | Publisher Science Research Society

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TR Dizin Citation Count: 186

Dear Authors,

Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry will continue its publication on http://tojqi.net/index.php/journal/index. All authors are requested to submit their paper on http://tojqi.net.

The new publisher of Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry is Science Research Society and all queries related to journal should be mailed on editor@tojqi.net. All the articles published till Volume 12 Issue 2 will be available on both the websites. New Articles from Volume 12 Issue 3 will be published on http://tojqi.net.

In accordance with the TR DİZİN Journal Evaluation Criteria updated for 2020, “Ethics Committee Approval” is requested for articles in all disciplines including social sciences (See TR DİZİN Journal Evaluation Criteria - Article 8.) The relevant information (board name, date and number) should be included in the method section as well as on the first / last page of the article and the relevant approval should be documented. Even if the review process of the articles are completed, the articles that does not meet this criterion may not be published since it will negatively affect the the journal to be indexed in TR DİZİN.
Besides, TR DİZİN journal evaluation criteria have made it obligatory to provide information on the compliance of research and publication ethics in the articles. In this context, the following statement should be added to the last page by the responsible author in all articles in TOJQI beginning with Volume 11 Issue 1 (January, 2020).
“I, as the Corresponding Author, declare and undertake that in the study titled as XXXX, scientific, ethical and citation rules were followed; Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Journal Editorial Board has no responsibility for all ethical violations to be encountered, that all responsibility belongs to the author/s and that this study has not been sent to any other academic publication platform for evaluation."
TOJQI Editorial Board

  • e-ISSN 1309-6591 | Period Quarterly | Founded: 2010 | Publisher Science Research Society
  • Call for Paper: Volume 15 Issue 2 February 2024
  • Article Publication Charges: 1000 USD.
  • Aim: The Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international e-journal in scope of educational and social sciences which publishes high quality and original research papers conducted with qualitative, mixed and action research methodology. The TOJQI has been being published quarterly a year (January, April, July and October).
  • Scope: Besides the research papers, TOJQI publishes eligible works on theoretical and cognitive issues or book reviews related to qualitative research paradigm in educational and social sciences.

Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-03-30

Analysis On New National Education Policy 2020 – School Education In India

Mr. Banothu Ramdas, Dr. Madasu Vasantha Rao, D. Naga Chandrika Reddy


Gesture Voice: Revolutionizing Human-Computer Interaction with an AI-Driven Virtual Mouse System

Dr. Nisha Patil, Moeeza W. Ansari, Sakshi R. Jadhav, Manjeeri G. Mhaske, Rohit K. Kaurani


Sustaianable Development Goals in India: A Strategic Policy For Economic Growth

Dr.Menaka Biswal, Dr.A.Lakshmi, S.Narasimha Reddy, Dr.Lakshmi Kantha Reddy Chitla


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