Sterility Grid Model: Measuring Matrix for Indian TSP’s.

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Mugdha Mujumdar, Dr.Sandeep Prabhu


Purpose: To measure performance of telecom service providers in Indian telecom market with selected attributes which contribute to customer satisfaction in telecom.

Theoretical Design: A model is proposed to understand multi relationship of customer satisfaction, customer churn and customer retention to quality of service, redressal by Telecom Service Provider (TSP) and Customer behaviour trend analysis.

Findings: Study investigates that there is lower satisfaction in telecom consumers in India. Here, researcher proposes a new sterility grid model which reflects impact of different factors and relationship between different sterility factors. Sterility Grid Matrix models proposed by researcher is helpful for measuring business performance in telecom which is related to customer satisfaction, customer churn and customer retention.

Originality of work- Here used approach is a  macro environment analysis to the overall businesses and the forces affecting its microenvironment, which focuses on a Indian telecom sector .There are macroeconomic circumstances or sterility factors that have an effect on how all big business function which, consecutively influence the economy.

Scope of study- This study will be useful for Indian telecom service providers (TSP), or any country TSPs with low customer satisfaction in telecom while they design customer retention strategy or Strategies for reducing customer attrition in telecom .Study will be also useful for telecom service providers for improving customer satisfaction in telecom.

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