Theoretical and didactic bases of distance learning in Japanese and Uzbek education

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Nematjonova Yulduz O’tkirjon qizi, Ishqobilova Jamila Saparmamatovna, Tursunov Otabek Tojiyevich


Distance learning is becoming more and more important in today's education system, and as a result of the development of telecommunication technologies and the Internet, the demand for distance learning from traditional learning is growing. The pandemic, in particular, has accelerated the process. The article analyzes the world experience of distance learning on the example of Japan and the importance of distance learning in the education system of Uzbekistan during the pandemic. Today's era of information technology and telecommunications and the education system are also shaped by the demands of that era. To date, online education has been introduced in all countries. The article focuses on what distance learning is, its advantages and disadvantages, and its advantages over traditional teaching. There is enough information about what the distance learning system is, the distance learning models and their types, the remote audience. The article discusses the basic principles of distance learning and the concept of "University in the Air", which is a term for higher education.

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