Modern Big Data Analysis for Business and It's Difficulties

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Dharmendra Ambani, Dr.Kishor Atkotiya


In this paper we had tried to identify challenges to simplify Big Data for businesses. With the introduction of Big Data and performance business perspective for organization. The growth of big data and analytics has changed the entire appearance and item management. In our era day by day business will improve so raw data and other information like employee mobile data recorded for security reason, email, blog and many more information will store so day by day data will increases when business is going to growth. For example MNC e commerce store (amazon) require to store all information like warehouse, employee data, user data in this type of business comes big data and we need to handle them for improve business. The purpose of this study is to summaries applications of big data for business, importance, tools, and difficulties when handling big data and idea as well as competitive benefits of business. The determined part is to get insight from the raw data and makes to refine. Data are generally identified in the form of easy, semi complex and complex. We have used secondary data to identify various opportunities in the field of big data. The big data mostly comes unstructured and any sources require to analyze best business analytics technique..

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