Reservation Component Management To Strengthen State Defense To Face Threats

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Deyvie Laudya Roringkon, Guntur Eko Saputro, Ghazalie


The military reserve component is one of the government's efforts to improve national defense in facing threats in accordance with the development of the strategic environment in the 21st century. The need for a reserve component has a constitutional basis and the mandate of the Law on National Defense. However, the discussion of the Draft Reserves Component Bill raises pros and cons so that its formulation requires strong arguments, especially regarding the assumption of compulsory military service for citizens. For this reason, this study discusses how defense resource governance, particularly military reserve components human resources, to support national defense in facing threats. The theories used, such as defense management, human resource management and threats, aim to explore military reserve components's good governance in supporting national defense. The research method used qualitative with a descriptive approach and literature study. The results of the research prove that the management of reserve components to strengthen national defense in facing threats is still not maximal and needs improvement from the management side. In addition, the right strategy is needed to manage the reserve components that have been recruited so that it is useful for strengthening national defense in the face of 21st century threats.

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