Current Status Of The English Speaking Skills Of Tribal Efl Learners Of Igntu

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Pooja Tiwari, Dr. Promod Kumar


This study aimed to address the current status of the Tribal EFL learners of IGNTU. A questionnaire consisting of four different tasks namely story telling using link words, micro presentation on a given topic, visual interpretation and pick & speak was used to assess the current status of English speaking skills. Rubrics with four point rating scale from poor to excellent was used for assessment. The findings showed that the overall speaking skills of majority of the Tribal EFL learners of IGNTU were either average (35.38%) or poor (38.67%). Similarly the level of students in terms of comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation were also average (48.46%) and poor (30.78%), average (29.23%) and poor (40.78%), average (33.09%) and poor (40%) and average (30.76%) and poor (43.09%) respectively. The study in a nutshell revealed that significant number of students lack English communication skills which need to be enhanced.

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