“A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Regarding Infertility on Knowledge among Men from Selected Rural Areas of Sangli District”

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Sachin S. Sakate ,Basavant Dhudum


“A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching regarding infertility on knowledge among men from selected rural areas of Sangli District”.


  1. To assess the existing knowledge of men regarding infertility.

  2. To assess the knowledge of men after planned teaching regarding infertility.

  3. To compare pre-test knowledge scores with post-test knowledge scores.

  4. To find out the association between the pretest knowledge scores and demographic variables.


  • Men may have some knowledge regarding infertility and its management.


  • Ho - There is no difference in the knowledge regarding infertility after planned teaching among men at 0.05 level of significance.

  • H1 - There is difference in the knowledge regarding infertility after planned teaching among men at 0.05 level of significance.


It was found that in pre-test the majority of the i.e.,65.83 % of participants had average knowledge score and 32.50 % participants had poor knowledge score and only 2% had good knowledge score regarding infertility among men residing in rural areas of Sangli District.

Majority of the participants 76.67 % had average knowledge score and 23.33 % participants had good knowledge score after planned teaching. This showed that, men’s knowledge was increased after the administration of planned teaching regarding infertility. Therefore, the finding concluded that, the null hypothesis H0 was rejected and research hypothesis H1 was accepted. 

The findings on the mean and SD score among men’s level of knowledge score before the planned teaching (Mean=9.93, SD=2.67) and post –test knowledge score is (Mean=14.58, SD=2.83) respectively and the result was found to be statistical highly significant and calculated ‘t ‘value is 57.11 which is more than table value and is significant at the level of 0.05. Therefore, the researcher concluded that hypothesis Null that means H0 was rejected and researchable hypothesis H1was accepted. The mean value of post-test knowledge score was higher than the mean value of pre-test among men so, it indicates that, planned teaching was more effective in increasing the knowledge regarding infertility.



The study findings further concluded with promotion for the scientific knowledge regarding infertility. It requires hard efforts to make the men aware about the infertility and their issues. The interpretation was drawn by the researcher was that men are not getting the proper information on the infertility condition as there was lack of accessible resources leading to lack of knowledge and scientific information on what are various causes of infertility and specially in men than in female because science ancient era females are held responsible for the infertility but we as health care professionals and eradicate these myths by imparting the correct information through proper channel.

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