The Impact Of Cosgrove’s Model On The Achievement Of Fifth-Grade Female Students In Preparatory School In Biology

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Noor Kamal Ajami , Ass. Prof. Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim


The aim of the current research is to identify the impact of Cosgrove’s model on the achievement of fifth-grade students in middle school in biology, where the experiment started on Sunday (11/29/2020), and the experiment ended on Tuesday (16/2/2020), and the research sample was chosen randomly, which was represented by Aisha Preparatory School for Girls affiliated to the Baghdad Education Directorate / Karkh II, as the sample size reached (36) students, and the experimental design with partial control was chosen for the two equal groups (experimental and control), the sample size was divided into two groups, the experimental group (18) female students who study according to Cosgrove’s model, and the control group (18) female students who study according to the usual method, and the two research groups were statistically rewarded in some variables (intelligence test, previous achievement, previous information test), the researcher formulated (246) behavioral objectives for the educational content, which included the first four chapters of the biology book for the fifth grade scientific (biological), the research tool represented by the achievement test was built, the results were treated statistically and showed the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied according to Cosgrove’s model over the students of the control group those who study according to the usual method in the achievement test.

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