Analysis with INFISTAT the Usage of E-Resources of E-ShodhSindhu In State Universities of Haryana

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Sandhya Aggarwal, Dr. Narender Chimni


e-Shodh Sindhu is a digital initiatives of Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development, a merger of three consortium and provides e-Resources to member institutions of higher education. This study analyse the usage of e-Resources of eShodhSindhu from State University of Haryana with the objective to present the status of e-Resources of eShodhSindhu in State University of Haryana. This paper presents the most useful and important e-Journals, databases etc to improve quality in research, teaching, and education. As well as to explore the least used e-Resources so that their quality and usage can be improved for the optimum use of e-Resources. As optimum use of e-Resources is the recovery of worth in original.

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