Analysis of Demographic Profile of Investors in Agricultural Commodity Market of Narmadapuram Division Focused on Soyabean and Wheat Crop
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Agriculture produce is subjected to various risks, which are not only confined to production risk pertaining to weather, pest but also the demand and supply of various countries, other policy and economic factors. With restricted knowledge to understand and comprehend the information, farmers can incur huge losses by selling their produce in distress. Farmers no longer have to contend with just local markets. They also have to account for competition from the world over. Harda, Betul and Hoshangabad district of Narmadapuram division was chosen for the present study. The districts were selected as per stratified random sampling. The above said districts were selected because Soyabean and Wheat crop are cultivated at large while comparing with other districts. The study pertaining about the commodity market covers the period of 3 years (2014-2016). In the present study the age and gender of 300 respondent were recorded.
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