An Enhanced AODV Routing Strategy for Secure Communication in VANET

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Preetam Suman, Amrit Suman, Roshan Jahan


Transportation is a cornerstone of every nation's economy. Unfortunately, traffic accidents cause various problems to the government. The significant drivers of fatal accidents, serious injuries, and fatalities are diverse. The type of roads, track structure, climatic conditions, and driver behavior are some of the relevant factors studied, and the report identified.

There are nine explanatory variables identified from the data file suitable for analysis, like weather conditions, driver behavior, vehicle type, age of the vehicle, road type, road structure and location of the crash, timings of impact, and month vice categorization impacts. The median of the predictor variables is calculated to understand the collision configuration. The type of roads, track structure, climatic conditions, and driver behavior are some of the relevant factors that are investigated and the relationship identified. This paper examines the leading causes of accidents from road accident registers. It provides an enhanced AODV routing protocol to provide a secure route to transmit the data packets from the vehicular node source to the destination.

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